Be In Charge Of Your Student Loan Debt
Are you feeling the financial pressure to make it all work? Your student loans, daily expenses, and all the while learning how to get out of credit card debt? How can you really be in charge of your...
View ArticleAvoid Student Loan Debt With These 20 Tips
Most college students will need to take on some form of student loan debt to complete their education. Depending on many factors, you may need to borrow more than you think. However, it’s important to...
View ArticleTuesday Tip – Be an Active Student Loan Borrower
We talk about student loans a lot here on Talking Cents, but National Student Loan Prevention Month is just another reason to up the ante. Each year, more and more people are burdened with student...
View ArticleHow to Help Your Teen Get a Job With Financial Literacy
Parenting evolves over the years from diapers to diplomas. An important part of a teenager’s education is financial literacy. While this subject is critical to their success as an adult, it’s hardly...
View ArticleFinancial Responsibility Videos for Teens & Parents
As your teen gets closer to graduating high school, it’s more important than ever to teach them about handling money responsibly. Most teens have very littler experience with real world financials at...
View ArticleFederal vs Private Student Loans
Hurray! You are a college graduate and are in the real world! You landed a job too! Double the hurrah! You are officially adulting now! This includes making your student loan payment on time. If not...
View ArticleWill I Qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness?
Recently, there has been a lot of news surrounding the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. And unfortunately, most of the news hasn’t been good. If you are hoping to have your loans forgiven or...
View Article10 Spring Semester Savings Tips to Avoid Credit Card Debt
In college, you need to do everything you can to save money and use it wisely. A budget is a big part of that strategy. Additionally, there are many other ways to save money while in college. Start...
View ArticleUnexpected January Budget Items to Remember
As we approach the new year and January, it’s time to account for your spending in 2018. January may also throw a few other costs your way. Here are a few unexpected January budget items to keep in...
View Article2018 Financial Review Checklist & Planning Ahead
There are only a handful of days remaining in the year. With some extra time off, now is a great opportunity to take a look over your finances from the year. And you can move forward and plan your...
View ArticleStarting Fresh- January Budget Example
Happy New Year! It’s usually exciting to start a new year. Maybe this is the year you start budgeting and taking control of your finances. To help you on this journey, take a look at our budgeting...
View ArticleStudent Loan Options With ACCC
Understanding your student loan options is crucial, especially if you are struggling to repay student loans. If you already have defaulted student loans or are delinquent on your loans, you may be able...
View ArticleDo You Know Your Student Loan Options?
Are you struggling to repay student loans, are delinquent on your student loans, or have already defaulted on your student loans? Do you know your student loan options? You may be able to get temporary...
View ArticleManaging Your Student Loans The Better Way!
Student loan debt relief is one of the biggest challenges among the youth that enters the big world. Once you start the big gigs managing your student loans should be your priority. So is there a...
View ArticleMarch Budget Example- Student Loan Debt
After a very successful month, March brings another new challenge: student loan debt. Can our couple eliminate this next debt? How long will it take? Find out how to use a budget to eliminate student...
View ArticleWhen To Use Credit Counseling
How are your finances? Have you been struggling or curious about getting some professional financial advice? You may be a candidate for credit counseling. This service is more than just talking about...
View ArticleLiving With Student Loan Debt Survival Tips
Many Millennials are currently living with student loan debt. Minimum payment amounts can be tough to meet, let alone sending in extra payments. Is there an easier way? Unfortunately, debt is debt....
View ArticleHow To Build Wealth & Financial Stability After College
Graduating college? You probably already know money does not grow on trees, and student loans aren’t going anywhere either. The best way to ensure your financial future is to have a strategy. Learn how...
View ArticlePaying Off Student Loans And Credit Scores
Getting into college and becoming independent is all so very exciting! However, many students tend to overlook the financial implications of student loans, at least for the time being. Defaulted...
View ArticleLiving With One Income to Reach Your Financial Goals
Wondering why people choose to live on a single income? Sometimes it’s all about saving for a big financial goal; other times it’s simply wanting to live with less. Learn how you can live on one income...
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