Most college students will need to take on some form of student loan debt to complete their education. Depending on many factors, you may need to borrow more than you think. However, it’s important to balance debt within your life. To avoid student loan debt overcoming your finances, consider some of these tips.
20 Ways to Avoid Student Loan Debt
Receiving an education can be a life changing experience. Colleges, trade schools and other certificate programs offer many opportunities for people to advance their skill sets in a chosen profession. But there is no reason to take on more loans than you can handle. Fortunately, there are lots of ways to avoid student loan debt that would be too much to successfully pay back. Here are strategies to help before, during and after enrollment.
List of Ways to Avoid Student Loan Debt
- Delay Enrollment to Save Up Money
- Relocate for In-state Tuition
- Decrease Your Meal Plan To Save on Costs
- Apply for Scholarships and Never Stop
- Work While You Study
- Live With Roommates Off-Campus
- Ditch the Car
- Volunteer with AmeriCorps or the Peace Corps to Receive Education Award
- Attend a School With the Best Financial Offer
- Enroll in Community College for Two Years
- Don’t Go to College- Make Sure Your Field Demands It
- Complete Certificate Training Programs Instead
- Work for the University to Receive Reduced or Free Tuition
- Take Extra Credits in Fall or Spring, Finish Early
- Enlist in ROTC or Any Service Branch First for the GI Bill
- Become a Resident Advisor for Free Room & Board
- Study Hard to Land a Job Post Graduation
- Use Employer Education Benefits for Tuition
- Work During Summers to Save Cash
- Continue to Work With the Financial Aid Office for Any Opportunities
Hopefully this list will give you some new ideas and ways to avoid student loan debt. While taking on some student education loans can be a perfectly acceptable step, it’s critical to weigh your options and understand the impact of this debt. Too much debt can cause delays for other financial goals, like retirement, buying a home or even day-to-day living. Take every measure you can to ensure as little debt as possible.
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